Victory over sin1. How a revolutionary gospel changed my life: part I2. How a revolutionary gospel changed my life: part II3. Tried. Tested. True.4. Victory over sin is possible: A truth not commonly preached5. The phenomenal truth about what following Jesus really means6. The biggest game changer of my life7. Jether Vinson: Gripped by the message of the cross8. My keys to victory over sinVictory over sin1. How a revolutionary gospel changed my life: part I2. How a revolutionary gospel changed my life: part II3. Tried. Tested. True.4. Victory over sin is possible: A truth not commonly preached5. The phenomenal truth about what following Jesus really means6. The biggest game changer of my life7. Jether Vinson: Gripped by the message of the cross8. My keys to victory over sin